Dear Travel Manager,
There’s no need to let you bother any longer by Frequent Flyer Programs: We’ve got the solution for you.
Using FFPs at a corporate level allows you saving some 10% of your air travel budget. These savings are only a few steps away and we are happy to help you to get there.
Based on the analysis of all more than 220 Frequent Flyer Programs on the globe, we show corporations how to use the programs best in their interest.
Depending on the internal philosophy, the awards of these programs may be used in two different ways:
– To the company’s profit, in order to reduce travel costs
– To the traveller’s profit, for his own use
In the latter case, a company has to make sure that this private use doesn’t spoil its purchasing policy. Often a conflict arises when the two parties can’t find a common ground in order to choose suppliers.
Our support covers both cases. We’re able to structure our service according to your individual travel management environment.
Awards used at a corporate level
Although most programs operate on an individual basis, the right approach lets you take advantage of the potential if it is your travel policy to use Frequent Flyer Programs for business purposes. From a legal perspective, you are absolutely on the safe side with such an intention. However, the selection of the programs to be used and the correct way to proceed remain difficult tasks.
The same airlines participate in up to 30 different programs while the differences between them are generally tremendous. Which program will be the best depends strongly on the specific travel profile and varies as a function of many criteria. For instance, many programs allow a free transfer of awards, which eases significantly the corporate use. So it can absolutely make sense (and is a common case in reality!) to fly on an airline, let’s say United Airlines, and choose to credit your miles not to United’s program, but rather to the program operated by another airline, e.g. by SAS.
Given this background, it is absolutely required to analyse the best choices on a strict case by case study. Only like that, the particular environment of every company, such as corporate deals with providers, can fully be respected. We assist you obviously with all implementation aspects as well – from defining the travel policy to set up optimized processes by including your travel management partner. On the operational level, we recommend the use of our administration software, called FFP Manager.
Our fundamental approach enables companies of all sizes to cut their air travel costs by some 10% for short-haul flights and even between 15% and 35% for long-haul flights by using all awards in a systematized way.
And best of all: These reductions are in addition to any other savings a company can benefit of such as through corporate agreements, discounted fares or Corporate Loyalty Programs for SMEs!
Please click here in order to get an idea about the typical procedure of a project – obviously fully adaptable to your specific needs.
Awards used at a private level
Many companies believe that they don’t have to care about the topic of Frequent Flyer Programs as long as they leave the awards to the travellers. This attitude is – to say the least – absolutely dangerous.
The aims of both the corporation and the individual traveler are often contradictory: The corporation chooses preferred suppliers according to various considerations. The traveller tries to concentrate his miles into one single account. This is usually the program operated by his home-carrier.
However, the solution to this conflict is made quite easy by our service: We’ll show every individual traveler with which of all more than 220 programs he’ll get his desired awards the quickest way possible by using your preferred suppliers.
Again, the choice of the right programs is not an easy task since major airlines participate in up to 30 programs simultaneously. It is nearly impossible for any individual to know his best deals. We’ll analyse them on his behalf.
An individual questionnaire provides us with the required data about the travellers enabling us to develop his personal Frequent Flyer strategy. We make sure that our strategies are strictly based on the company’s preferred suppliers only.
As a result, both sides are happy:
- The traveller gets his awards in average twice as fast as with his standard programs if he follows our recommendations – what so far all of our customers all over the globe have done! The company can fully cash on the savings from its purchasing policy.
- If this individual service is used by a larger group of travellers within your company, we shall be able to offer you a negotiated group rate, below our standard price for our private clients. Please contact us for details.
More information
We’ll be glad to provide you with more detailed information adapted to your particular needs. Please get in touch with us by using the reply form.